Abstract:The application of structural superimposed halos has played an irreplaceable role in the exploration of "deep and blind prospecting", and the proposal of structural superimposed halo method in exploration (new) areas has also expanded its application scope. In order to explore how to use the structural superimposed halo method in the exploration (new) area to verify and evaluate the aeromagnetic anomaly “GuiC-2014-104” at a scale of 1:50000 in the Dayaoshan area of Guangxi, this work introduced element correlation analysis and proposed a zoning method suitable for exploration (new) area. Based on the reference practical ideal model summarized by Professor Li Hui et al., a reference practical model for metallogenic prediction in this study area was established. The reference practical model was used to evaluate and predict geochemical anomalies in the study area, and three typical favorable ore-forming sites were predicted and ranked. The study shows that the zoning of the main ore-forming elements is critical to the establishment of the prediction model and has a great influence on the prediction results. In addition, the application results of structural superimposed halo method in exploration (new) area show that this method has high prediction accuracy and practicability, which will provide reliable geochemical basis for related prospecting evaluation work.